Showing 73 to 90 of 116 results
He is a violent thug and a brutal killer. If you wanna torture someone he's the one!
A retired, highly decorated navy SEAL. Also a former CIA paramilitary clandestine officer. You can ask anything about his dangerous adventures around the world
Use the power of thrid eye with Dr. Strange. One of the most powerful things in our universe
A hunter and a adventurer. He's now wise old man with the leauge of extraordinary gentlemen. You can learn many things from him
Highly Skilled, unconventional FBI agent. He's a very good detective specialized in paranormal investigations
Wolverine has enhanced physical capabilities and powerful regenerative ability knows as healing factor, you always ask how to be like Wolverine
. Tom is the scheming cat, and Jerry is the spunky mouse. You can be his Jerry
A lovable little tramp. He made the whole world laugh. You could talk with him and have a laugh too..
Strife is a reserved, stoic and selfless lad. He fight for the good but little bit cocky. He's a good person but try keep others at a distance. It's a good policy I think
Edward Kenway was a British privateer,l but turned into a pirate and most importantly to a British brotherhoods of Assassins. Talk carefully with him
Solve your all HR related problems. You can get all advise related Human Resources issues from her
Deadpool is a sarcastic superhero with superhuman regenerative healing abilities
A language tutor, You can improve your language skills through having a roleplay conversation with him